What We're Reading Wednesday

     Happy Wednesday! We’re halfway through the week J The weather here has been very hectic. We first had snow, then an ice storm, then rain and now the weather man is calling for snow again, whew! With all that said, we have been spending a lot of time inside! Which means more reading time, yay!

What have we been reading?

     Sweet Pea and Tutti Frutti love Folk Tales! Being a homeschool mom I immediately spotted this love and decided to do a unit study on Folk Tales. (Don’t you just love how you can zero in on your children’s interests in homeschooling?!?) We picked up this great treasury of Animal Folk Tales of America at our local library. As soon as we got home, Sweet Pea and Tutti Frutti wanted to dig right in…what mom would say no to that kind of willingness? J
A perfect day to be cuddled on the bean bags reading

After Reading…
     After reading these great stories and discussing all about their meanings and the exaggerations in them, Sweet Pea and Tutti Frutti completed their “Tall Tale Wheels”. I let them pick their favorite out of the book and they both picked Pecos Bill!

You can download your “Tall Tale Wheel” from


Of course, I had to share with Sweet Pea and Tutti Frutti the beloved tall tale cartoons I grew up watching J  Below you will find the links to each of these on YouTube:

Do your children love Tall Tales? What are you reading this week? I would hear your thoughts!
